1 justification n.正当理由,合理的解释
例句:There is no justification for holding her on jail
2 limp a.疲软的,无力的
例句:She took hers son’s limp hands, sliding his fingers through her own
3 dote v.过分溺爱
例句:Everyone doted on family, the only girl in the family
4 autobiography n.自传
5 relish vt.享受 n.享受;调味酱
例句:It means I believe in the process, but I don’t relish the prospect of taking another man’s life
6 vendetta n.积怨,宿怨
例句:Was he not the object of a vendetta by the FBI
7 spoliation n.蓄意破坏
派生:spoil v. spoilage n.食物变质 spoiler n.破坏者
例句:The spoliation of the countryside is unacceptable
8 egoistic a.自我中心的
例句:He was some kind of an egoistic person, who did beat me a number of times
9 plagiarize vt.剽窃,抄袭
派生:plagiarism n.剽窃
例句;Eddie, you didn’t write a poem.You plagiarized a rap song
10 languish vi.受折磨,被迫滞留,变得衰弱
例句:Shaw languished in jail for fifteen years
11 lymphatic a.淋巴的 n.淋巴腺
派生:lymph n.淋巴
例句:The lymphatic system is the part of the body’s natural defense system against disease.
12 lapse n.疏忽,过失 vi.合同失效,衰退
例句:A lapse in judgement is misconduct.
13 embellish v.装饰,添油加醋
例句:Something which many of us do is embellish our height
14 ethic n.道德
例句:The standard of ethics in this business is low enough
15 indifferent a.不感兴趣的,冷淡的,一般的
例句:How much easier would your life bu if you were indifferent to me
16 empirically adv.以经验为主的
例句:The real is simply what I can empirically verify.
17 lustrous a.有光泽的,光亮的
例句:His hair was beautifully dark and lustrous.
18 provision n.提供,供给,准备,粮食 vt.给…提供所需物品
例句:The government is responsible for the provision of medical services.
19 preferably adv.更合适的,更可取的
例句:Students must take two years of a foreign language, preferably Spanish.
20 pensive a.沉思的
例句:A pensive cloud would soften her radiant vivacity.
21 heuristic a.启发式的
例:heuristic method/algorithm 启发式算法
22 enteric-coated a.包有肠溶衣的
enteric a.肠的,肠溶的
23 permute v.置换,改变次数
24 entry n.进入,入口,条目,登记,相关手续
例句:There are several types of usage entry, and these are explained below.
1 justification n.正当理由,合理的解释
例句:There is no justification for holding her on jail
2 limp a.疲软的,无力的
例句:She took hers son’s limp hands, sliding his fingers through her own
3 dote v.过分溺爱
例句:Everyone doted on family, the only girl in the family
4 autobiography n.自传
5 relish vt.享受 n.享受;调味酱
例句:It means I believe in the process, but I don’t relish the prospect of taking another man’s life
6 vendetta n.积怨,宿怨
例句:Was he not the object of a vendetta by the FBI
7 spoliation n.蓄意破坏
派生:spoil v. spoilage n.食物变质 spoiler n.破坏者
例句:The spoliation of the countryside is unacceptable
8 egoistic a.自我中心的
例句:He was some kind of an egoistic person, who did beat me a number of times
9 plagiarize vt.剽窃,抄袭
派生:plagiarism n.剽窃
例句;Eddie, you didn’t write a poem.You plagiarized a rap song
10 languish vi.受折磨,被迫滞留,变得衰弱
例句:Shaw languished in jail for fifteen years
11 lymphatic a.淋巴的 n.淋巴腺
派生:lymph n.淋巴
例句:The lymphatic system is the part of the body’s natural defense system against disease.
12 lapse n.疏忽,过失 vi.合同失效,衰退
例句:A lapse in judgement is misconduct.
13 embellish v.装饰,添油加醋
例句:Something which many of us do is embellish our height
14 ethic n.道德
例句:The standard of ethics in this business is low enough
15 indifferent a.不感兴趣的,冷淡的,一般的
例句:How much easier would your life bu if you were indifferent to me
16 empirically adv.以经验为主的
例句:The real is simply what I can empirically verify.
17 lustrous a.有光泽的,光亮的
例句:His hair was beautifully dark and lustrous.
18 provision n.提供,供给,准备,粮食 vt.给…提供所需物品
例句:The government is responsible for the provision of medical services.
19 preferably adv.更合适的,更可取的
例句:Students must take two years of a foreign language, preferably Spanish.
20 pensive a.沉思的
例句:A pensive cloud would soften her radiant vivacity.
21 heuristic a.启发式的
例:heuristic method/algorithm 启发式算法
22 enteric-coated a.包有肠溶衣的
enteric a.肠的,肠溶的
23 permute v.置换,改变次数
24 entry n.进入,入口,条目,登记,相关手续
例句:There are several types of usage entry, and these are explained below.