定位系列论文:基于行为识别的楼层定位(二):Research on HAR-Based Floor Positioning
Floor positioning is an important aspect of indoor positioning technology, which is closely related to location-based services (LBSs).
Currently, floor positioning technologies are mainly based on radio signals and barometric pressure. The former are impacted by the multipath effect, rely on infrastructure support, and are limited by different spatial structures.
For the latter, the air pressure changes with the temperature and humidity, the deployment cost of the reference station is high, and different terminal models need to be calibrated in advance.
In view of these issues, here, we propose a novel floor positioning method based on human activity recognition (HAR), using smartphone builtin sensor data to classify pedestrian activities.
We obtain the degree of the floor change according to the activity category of every step and determine whether the pedestrian completes floor switching through condition and threshold analysis.
Then, we combine the previous floor or the high-precision initial floor with the floor change degree to calculate the pedestrians’ real-time floor position.
A multi-floor office building was chosen as the experimental site and verified through the process of alternating multiple types of activities.
The results show that the pedestrian floor position change recognition and location accuracy of this method were as high as 100%, and that this method has good robustness and high universality.
It is more stable than methods based on wireless signals.
Compared with one existing HAR-based method and air pressure, the method in this paper allows pedestrians to undertake long-term static or round-trip activities during the process of going up and down the stairs.
In addition, the proposed method has good fault tolerance for the misjudgment of pedestrian actions.
- 1.气压虽然是可以得到海拔高的,但是气压受温度和湿度影响大,所以需要额外感知这两个东西的传感器,是一种额外的消耗。
- 2.无线信号存在:受多路径效应影响,依赖基础设施支撑,受不同空间结构的限制的问题。
- 1.这个东西是在一个楼里进行测试的
- 2.这个东西是通过识别行为推算出行人所处楼层变化的,也就是有一个楼层作为参考的。
1. Introduction
Indoor positioning technology is one of the core technologies of artificial intelligence(AI) in the future [1].
It has been widely used in multiple industry sectors and markets [2], including shopping centers, hospitals, nursing homes, airports, railway stations, warehouses, parking lots, and prisons/detention centers.
Today, high-rise and multi-storey buildings are widely distributed. In multi-storey indoor environments, users need floor information in the vertical dimension, alongside positions on a 2D plane.
With the wide application of indoor location services, the demand for floor positioning information is increasing [3], especially in emergency rescue situations [4].
In a multi-floor indoor environment, an indoor positioning system (IPS) is sensitive to floor location [5], and floor recognition functions make indoor positioning systems more effective.
In some cases, it is not easy to obtain the floor location information, such as in complex multi-floor environments, for people with limited vision [6], or in conditions with weak indoor light or fire smoke.
Highly similar multi-storey parking lots have caused trouble for people trying to find their cars.
The correct floor plan map in an indoor positioning system depends on theright floor positioning, and accurate floor judgment can effectively reduce the search time in the fingerprint-based method matching stage, while improving the positioning accuracy and reducing the computational overhead [7].
In the Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN) competition, the competition area is usually a multi-floor building.
In 2018, at the Microsoft indoor localization competition hosted by the international conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), a 3D Track was used [8].
2018年,在传感器网络信息处理国际会议(IPSN)主办的微软室内定位竞赛中,使用了[8]3D Track。
Therefore,during the competition, the participants need to first solve the problem of floor positioning.
In general, floor positioning plays an important role in the field of indoor positioning.
The common floor positioning technologies mainly include radio-based flooridentification technologies [9–19], floor determination methods based on barometric pressure [6,20–24], and floor positioning methods based on inertial sensors [25–30]. They can be used alone, or in combination [31–35], to perform floor positioning. However, the first two methods have some limitations.
译文:常用的楼层定位技术主要有基于无线电的楼层识别技术[9-19]、基于气压的楼层确定方法[6,20 - 24]和基于惯性传感器的楼层定位方法[25-30]。它们可以单独使用,也可以组合使用[31-35]来进行地板定位。然而,前两种方法有一些局限性。
The radio-based method is dependent upon widespread wireless signal infrastructure support [36].
The effective positioning depends on a stable wireless network structure [37].
Most floor recognition algorithms are based on the difference or sudden change in wireless signals between different floors [10,38].
This type of method has high precision and good universality, but also some limitations.
For the wireless signal method, the floor positioning accuracy is affected by the access point (AP) deployment conditions;
对于无线信号方式,AP (access point)部署条件会影响楼层定位精度;
multipath effects are likely to cause large fluctuations in the wireless signal strength (received signal strength indicator (RSSI)) [2,39–41], leading to a large error in indoor positioning [1], and floor positioning also suffers from this issue.
多径效应可能导致无线信号强度(接收信号强度指标(RSSI))波动较大[2,39 - 41],导致室内定位[1]误差较大,楼层定位也存在此问题
(多径效应(multipath effect):指电磁波经不同路径传播后,各分量场到达接收端时间不同,按各自相位相互叠加而造成干扰,使得原来的信号失真,或者产生错误。比如电磁波沿不同的两条路径传播,而两条路径的长度正好相差半个波长,那么两路信号到达终点时正好相互抵消了(波峰与波谷重合)
Differences in the internal spatial structures of multiple floors will also affect the accuracy of floor positioning
Methods based on barometric pressure also have some shortcomings.
For these methods, although the floor recognition accuracy is high, the universality is inadequate.
Air pressure is easily affected by environmental changes, such as the indoor temperature and humidity [15,30,42].
When pedestrians stay in a certain position for a long time, changes in the corresponding air pressure will cause errors in recognition of the floor [42].
Further, different barometer terminals need to be calibrated in advance [43,44].
Methods based on a reference base station require additional deployment and data communication, and some smartphones lack barometers [45].
The above shortcomings have affected the popularization of this method [21].
In addition, it can be difficult to obtain high-accuracy flooring information due to a high similarity in radio signals and the small barometric pressure difference between adjacent floors in a multi-storey environment with staggered floor structures, a low story height, stairwells [46], or atrium structures [17,18].
Existing HAR methods based on acceleration sensors can adapt to multi-floor structures and perform well under certain test conditions, but they need to be improved in terms of fault tolerance and action switching.
There remain omissions in the stand still state or going back and forth when humans going up and down the stairs.
The Ftrack method proposed by Ye [25] uses an acceleration sensor to calculate the time spent taking the elevator, or the number of steps taken when climbing stairs between any two floors, through information exchange when users meet and from the users’ trajectories.
The feature data of the current floor are deduced and stored in a database.
In the positioning stage, the floor positioning can be realized according to the time taken or the number of steps.
In this method, the traversal of all floors and landmarks is needed in advance to obtain complete reference values, and to realize the omnibearing floor positioning.
This method cannot reflect the process of going up and down stairs, and does not consider pedestrian round trips and stays.
In the literature [27], smartphone pedometers and building shape
models have been used to fix the specific position of a user through a particle filter.
The symmetry of stairs has been used to solve the positioning of multiple floors.
This method needs to be improved in terms of its real-time performance, however, because conclusions can only be drawn after a certain period of time or motion state.
They will become invalid when users stay still for a while when going up/down stairs, or engage in back-and-forth walking, and the choice of shoe installation is not conducive to popularization of the applications.
In other literature [29], it has been pointed out that some smartphones do not contain barometers, so the height of multi-storey buildings cannot be obtained from their data.
Therefore, a pedestrian activity classification algorithm has been proposed to detect the activities of going up and down stairs, and in this way, the building height can be obtained.
Then, the HAR results combined with WLAN positioning can be used to realize floor positioning through Kalman filtering.
This method does not consider the static states during back-and-forth movement, and static states when going up and down stairs,and it requires the all-the-way tracking of WLAN.
- 1.室内定位是一个关键技术
- 2.室内定位当中楼层区分是比较重要的。首先,有很多应用场景本身就需要准确的楼层信息;其次,很多定位比赛当中也开始考虑分楼层的情况。
- 3.但是wifi、uwb以及气压等的方法还是存在问题。
- 4.其他研究者提出的基于惯性传感器的方法依然存在适用性不好的问题。
3. Detection Scheme for Floor Changes
After obtaining the pre-acquired high-accuracy initial floor position, the floor positioning could be implemented recursively through the floor change detection scheme proposed in this study.
The method of floor change detection is summarized as follows.
Firstly, different AC results for each step of the pedestrians were processed differently.
Then, based on the pre-stored floor stair library (see Table 2), each step’s status data could be calculated and saved. Floor change determination was also conducted (see Figure 3).
Finally, the current floor position could be obtained based on the previous floor position or the high-accuracy initial floor recursion.
定位系列论文:基于行为识别的楼层定位(二):Research on HAR-Based Floor Positioning
Floor positioning is an important aspect of indoor positioning technology, which is closely related to location-based services (LBSs).
Currently, floor positioning technologies are mainly based on radio signals and barometric pressure. The former are impacted by the multipath effect, rely on infrastructure support, and are limited by different spatial structures.
For the latter, the air pressure changes with the temperature and humidity, the deployment cost of the reference station is high, and different terminal models need to be calibrated in advance.
In view of these issues, here, we propose a novel floor positioning method based on human activity recognition (HAR), using smartphone builtin sensor data to classify pedestrian activities.
We obtain the degree of the floor change according to the activity category of every step and determine whether the pedestrian completes floor switching through condition and threshold analysis.
Then, we combine the previous floor or the high-precision initial floor with the floor change degree to calculate the pedestrians’ real-time floor position.
A multi-floor office building was chosen as the experimental site and verified through the process of alternating multiple types of activities.
The results show that the pedestrian floor position change recognition and location accuracy of this method were as high as 100%, and that this method has good robustness and high universality.
It is more stable than methods based on wireless signals.
Compared with one existing HAR-based method and air pressure, the method in this paper allows pedestrians to undertake long-term static or round-trip activities during the process of going up and down the stairs.
In addition, the proposed method has good fault tolerance for the misjudgment of pedestrian actions.
- 1.气压虽然是可以得到海拔高的,但是气压受温度和湿度影响大,所以需要额外感知这两个东西的传感器,是一种额外的消耗。
- 2.无线信号存在:受多路径效应影响,依赖基础设施支撑,受不同空间结构的限制的问题。
- 1.这个东西是在一个楼里进行测试的
- 2.这个东西是通过识别行为推算出行人所处楼层变化的,也就是有一个楼层作为参考的。
1. Introduction
Indoor positioning technology is one of the core technologies of artificial intelligence(AI) in the future [1].
It has been widely used in multiple industry sectors and markets [2], including shopping centers, hospitals, nursing homes, airports, railway stations, warehouses, parking lots, and prisons/detention centers.
Today, high-rise and multi-storey buildings are widely distributed. In multi-storey indoor environments, users need floor information in the vertical dimension, alongside positions on a 2D plane.
With the wide application of indoor location services, the demand for floor positioning information is increasing [3], especially in emergency rescue situations [4].
In a multi-floor indoor environment, an indoor positioning system (IPS) is sensitive to floor location [5], and floor recognition functions make indoor positioning systems more effective.
In some cases, it is not easy to obtain the floor location information, such as in complex multi-floor environments, for people with limited vision [6], or in conditions with weak indoor light or fire smoke.
Highly similar multi-storey parking lots have caused trouble for people trying to find their cars.
The correct floor plan map in an indoor positioning system depends on theright floor positioning, and accurate floor judgment can effectively reduce the search time in the fingerprint-based method matching stage, while improving the positioning accuracy and reducing the computational overhead [7].
In the Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN) competition, the competition area is usually a multi-floor building.
In 2018, at the Microsoft indoor localization competition hosted by the international conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), a 3D Track was used [8].
2018年,在传感器网络信息处理国际会议(IPSN)主办的微软室内定位竞赛中,使用了[8]3D Track。
Therefore,during the competition, the participants need to first solve the problem of floor positioning.
In general, floor positioning plays an important role in the field of indoor positioning.
The common floor positioning technologies mainly include radio-based flooridentification technologies [9–19], floor determination methods based on barometric pressure [6,20–24], and floor positioning methods based on inertial sensors [25–30]. They can be used alone, or in combination [31–35], to perform floor positioning. However, the first two methods have some limitations.
译文:常用的楼层定位技术主要有基于无线电的楼层识别技术[9-19]、基于气压的楼层确定方法[6,20 - 24]和基于惯性传感器的楼层定位方法[25-30]。它们可以单独使用,也可以组合使用[31-35]来进行地板定位。然而,前两种方法有一些局限性。
The radio-based method is dependent upon widespread wireless signal infrastructure support [36].
The effective positioning depends on a stable wireless network structure [37].
Most floor recognition algorithms are based on the difference or sudden change in wireless signals between different floors [10,38].
This type of method has high precision and good universality, but also some limitations.
For the wireless signal method, the floor positioning accuracy is affected by the access point (AP) deployment conditions;
对于无线信号方式,AP (access point)部署条件会影响楼层定位精度;
multipath effects are likely to cause large fluctuations in the wireless signal strength (received signal strength indicator (RSSI)) [2,39–41], leading to a large error in indoor positioning [1], and floor positioning also suffers from this issue.
多径效应可能导致无线信号强度(接收信号强度指标(RSSI))波动较大[2,39 - 41],导致室内定位[1]误差较大,楼层定位也存在此问题
(多径效应(multipath effect):指电磁波经不同路径传播后,各分量场到达接收端时间不同,按各自相位相互叠加而造成干扰,使得原来的信号失真,或者产生错误。比如电磁波沿不同的两条路径传播,而两条路径的长度正好相差半个波长,那么两路信号到达终点时正好相互抵消了(波峰与波谷重合)
Differences in the internal spatial structures of multiple floors will also affect the accuracy of floor positioning
Methods based on barometric pressure also have some shortcomings.
For these methods, although the floor recognition accuracy is high, the universality is inadequate.
Air pressure is easily affected by environmental changes, such as the indoor temperature and humidity [15,30,42].
When pedestrians stay in a certain position for a long time, changes in the corresponding air pressure will cause errors in recognition of the floor [42].
Further, different barometer terminals need to be calibrated in advance [43,44].
Methods based on a reference base station require additional deployment and data communication, and some smartphones lack barometers [45].
The above shortcomings have affected the popularization of this method [21].
In addition, it can be difficult to obtain high-accuracy flooring information due to a high similarity in radio signals and the small barometric pressure difference between adjacent floors in a multi-storey environment with staggered floor structures, a low story height, stairwells [46], or atrium structures [17,18].
Existing HAR methods based on acceleration sensors can adapt to multi-floor structures and perform well under certain test conditions, but they need to be improved in terms of fault tolerance and action switching.
There remain omissions in the stand still state or going back and forth when humans going up and down the stairs.
The Ftrack method proposed by Ye [25] uses an acceleration sensor to calculate the time spent taking the elevator, or the number of steps taken when climbing stairs between any two floors, through information exchange when users meet and from the users’ trajectories.
The feature data of the current floor are deduced and stored in a database.
In the positioning stage, the floor positioning can be realized according to the time taken or the number of steps.
In this method, the traversal of all floors and landmarks is needed in advance to obtain complete reference values, and to realize the omnibearing floor positioning.
This method cannot reflect the process of going up and down stairs, and does not consider pedestrian round trips and stays.
In the literature [27], smartphone pedometers and building shape
models have been used to fix the specific position of a user through a particle filter.
The symmetry of stairs has been used to solve the positioning of multiple floors.
This method needs to be improved in terms of its real-time performance, however, because conclusions can only be drawn after a certain period of time or motion state.
They will become invalid when users stay still for a while when going up/down stairs, or engage in back-and-forth walking, and the choice of shoe installation is not conducive to popularization of the applications.
In other literature [29], it has been pointed out that some smartphones do not contain barometers, so the height of multi-storey buildings cannot be obtained from their data.
Therefore, a pedestrian activity classification algorithm has been proposed to detect the activities of going up and down stairs, and in this way, the building height can be obtained.
Then, the HAR results combined with WLAN positioning can be used to realize floor positioning through Kalman filtering.
This method does not consider the static states during back-and-forth movement, and static states when going up and down stairs,and it requires the all-the-way tracking of WLAN.
- 1.室内定位是一个关键技术
- 2.室内定位当中楼层区分是比较重要的。首先,有很多应用场景本身就需要准确的楼层信息;其次,很多定位比赛当中也开始考虑分楼层的情况。
- 3.但是wifi、uwb以及气压等的方法还是存在问题。
- 4.其他研究者提出的基于惯性传感器的方法依然存在适用性不好的问题。
3. Detection Scheme for Floor Changes
After obtaining the pre-acquired high-accuracy initial floor position, the floor positioning could be implemented recursively through the floor change detection scheme proposed in this study.
The method of floor change detection is summarized as follows.
Firstly, different AC results for each step of the pedestrians were processed differently.
Then, based on the pre-stored floor stair library (see Table 2), each step’s status data could be calculated and saved. Floor change determination was also conducted (see Figure 3).
Finally, the current floor position could be obtained based on the previous floor position or the high-accuracy initial floor recursion.